The result of the test sounded like a prison sentence. There was no doubt that the child will be born disabled, and severely so. A proposal was then made to “get rid of the problem”, that is, abortion. I have ...

For Saints Padre Pio and Leopold Mandici it was occasionally necessary to employ “shock therapy” to awaken a sense of repentance in the faithful, since both these great confessors of the 20th century knew how important repentance for sins is. For ...

“The Lord chose me for the amazing mission of love in the world, a mission which is worthy of giving one’s life for, not to mention one’s talent and strength.” This is how Bl. Natalia Tułasiewicz (pronounced too-wah-SHEV-eetch) perceived her ...

She lived in Hawaii, one of the American states, and had a brilliant career: she published a successful tourist magazine, managed investments and bought real estate. She had her own house and a good car. Her professional experience included the ...

Dear Readers of Love One Another! We present to you the latest issue of our magazine. We hope that the articles and testimonies in it will help you prepare for a deep and joyful celebration of the birth of Our ...

“Love” is the first and most important word of the marriage vows. Marriage is for spouses a road to sanctity that offers them the best conditions for growth in the love of God and neighbors until a complete unity with ...

My husband, Jerzy, and I were coming out from Sunday Mass. It was October 16, 2016. My husband suddenly felt very ill. We quickly got into the car and drove to the hospital. The paramedics immediately took Jerzy to the ...

During the course of our earthly lives the Lord God permits us to have a foretaste of eternal life, so that we may radically vanquish our egoism and mature to eternal life in Heaven.. A Meeting with the Dead St. ...

Is there any evidence that the experiences of people during clinical death are not hallucinations, but the experience of God’s presence and afterlife? Many skeptical physicians, after learning the facts about the experiences of people who went through clinical death ...

Five years have passed since my conversion, followed by my wondrous adventure with God. I have now decided to share my testimony with others who might be questioning their faith and are still not convinced that it is worth fighting ...

The only source of marital love is Jesus Christ, perpetually present in the sacrament of matrimony. We call to mind the words that St. John Paul II directed towards families: “This sacrament (of matrimony) is so great! And spouses can ...

Lukewarmness is a very dangerous state to be in, because the soul in this state remains in delusion, like a sick person who pretends to be healthy and refuses to see his doctor. Blessed Fr. Michał Sopoćko “I wish that you were ...

For centuries, the Rosary has been a special prayer, whose effectiveness has been attested to by many graces, miraculous divine interventions, reformations and healings. Our Lady, many saints and doctors of the Church, actively encouraged the faithful to recite it. ...

Purity refers to the mindset of the person. However it is not a passive mindset, but rather requires action. We will not be able to keep our hands clean by never letting them get dirty. If we want to have ...

Quique was convicted of kidnapping and was sentenced to 70 years in prison. While there, he participated in satanic rituals. When a chapel of perpetual adoration was opened in the prison, Quique became curious and went inside. It was then ...

Dear Readers! In June 2022, the editorial board of Love One Another! made the bold decision to defend the charism of our magazine and save it from absolute dissolution. Despite the fact that we had been deprived of all of ...