The news coming from Iraq and Syria is alarming. It stirs us to prayer and reflection, but also to action. We received a letter from a Christian Egyptian reader who went to Iraq to help suffering followers of Christ. Unexpectedly, ...

The Lebanese scientist Raymond Nader had a mystical experience of the Real Presence of God. It took place on 10 November 1994, in the hermitage of St Sharbel in Annaya. On the evening of 17 April 2015, at the shrine ...

I entered the crowd of pilgrims. It was hot. We sang a beautiful litany during which I fervently asked St. Sharbel to heal me from my anxiety. I had been struggling with panic attacks for seven years. I had previously ...

In primary and junior high school, I got into the sin of impurity and marijuana. At first, I did not regard masturbation as a sin. I thought I wasn’t harming anybody, so there was no reason to confess it. In ...

My husband and I always thought of our marriage as ideal: from our time in the university, we had been active members of prayer groups and we were close to God. But after a while, we lost our zeal. We ...

The result of the test sounded like a prison sentence. There was no doubt that the child will be born disabled, and severely so. A proposal was then made to “get rid of the problem”, that is, abortion. I have ...

My husband, Jerzy, and I were coming out from Sunday Mass. It was October 16, 2016. My husband suddenly felt very ill. We quickly got into the car and drove to the hospital. The paramedics immediately took Jerzy to the ...

Five years have passed since my conversion, followed by my wondrous adventure with God. I have now decided to share my testimony with others who might be questioning their faith and are still not convinced that it is worth fighting ...

Quique was convicted of kidnapping and was sentenced to 70 years in prison. While there, he participated in satanic rituals. When a chapel of perpetual adoration was opened in the prison, Quique became curious and went inside. It was then ...