Waiting for a Child

The result of the test sounded like a prison sentence. There was no doubt that the child will be born disabled, and severely so. A proposal was then made to “get rid of the problem”, that is, abortion.

I have been working for several years at a publishing firm. A friend at work had a sister who had wanted to have a child for a long time and sought the help of reknowned specialists. Unfortunately without any success.

After sixteen years of marriage (she was already 40 years old) she finally became pregnant. Due to her age and the risks involved, her gynecologist suggested she take a prenatal test. The result of the test sounded like a prison sentence — the child will be born with physical and mental disabilities, including a serious case of Down syndrome. The second and third rounds of tests confirmed the intitial findings. There was no doubt that the child will be born disabled, and severely so.

A proposal was then made to “get rid of the problem”, that is, abortion. My friend was shocked at her sister’s decision and couldn’t understand why she rejected the obvious solution. “I had been praying and begging God for so long to give me a child. God has finally answered my prayers and now I am to kill the child? No!!! God, give me the strength to love him with a love so great, overwhelming, and patient, as he will need that love so much more than any healthy child.” With these words the woman countered all arguments.

Such were the prayers of these wonderful parents of the unborn child. They went on a pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our lady of Częstochowa and brought before her their,pleas for support, and the strength to take care of this child, whom they already loved and accepted as a gift from God.

After nine months a beautiful healthy baby boy was born. He did not have any signs of defect, or any greater or lesser form of disability. The team of doctors who delivered the baby were in shock.

The will of God is unknown. God’s mercy is infinite. We only need one thing: our complete trust in the Lord!
