The liberals raised the slogan “separation of Church and State,” but in reality separation was not their political goal; their real goal was the subjugation of the Church to the modern (i.e. secular) State. State power—liberalism’s old love The plan ...
Pope Benedict XVI has constantly been warning us against the dictatorship of relativism dominating the politics and culture of the Western world; indeed, the phenomenon is nothing more than a continuation of the “culture wars” that have been waged in Europe since ...
Not content to squeeze the Church and Christianity out of public life, militant secularism is now claiming a position of dominance by persecuting those who refuse to toe the prevailing line of “progress and modernity.” Thus secularism is taking on all the characteristics of ...
One of the most frequently repeated propaganda techniques used against the Catholic Church through the ages was and is the attempt to morally compromise the Catholic clergy, especially those who choose to live by radical virtues and the counsel of ...