“In settings where reasonable statistics have been gathered merely 4.2% of embryos created in Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) ever result in a live birth” There is a double or even fourfold increase in perinatal deaths among children conceived in vitro ...

Dear Readers of Love One Another! We present to you this year’s third issue of our magazine. We hope that the articles and testimonies will ignite in your hearts the joy of faith and enthusiasm in proclaiming the Good News ...

It is an irrefutable scientific fact that human life begins at the moment of conception. We need to remember that, statistically, in order to bring one child to life the IVF method must destroy five or six other human beings. I finished my studies ...

“Once Jesus gave me to know that when I pray for intentions which people are wont to entrust to me, He is always ready to grant His graces, but souls do not always want to accept them: ‘My Heart overflows ...

Dear Readers of Love One Another! In the newest issue of Love One Another you will find articles dedicated to the mysteries of our faith as well as wonderful testimonies to God’s handiwork in our lives. We hope you enjoy ...

Bernard Nathanson (b. 1926), a university professor at Cornell and a professed atheist, was one of the world’s leading pro-abortionists. He relentlessly pursued the legalization of accessible and low-cost abortion in the United States. In 1968, Nathanson became a founding ...

The message of the Gospel remains always in force and is intended for all nations; however, there are regions of the world where the teachings of Christ encounter obstacles and even open hostility. To these regions belong, above all, the Muslim ...

“There is only one misfortune: sin. Everything else is smoke and dust.” These words of St. John Chrysostom of the fourth century AD illustrate the view of the ancient Christians concerning the harm rejection of God wreaks both on human ...

On October 17, 2010, there took place in the Vatican the solemn canonization of Brother André (Alfred Bessette), a Canadian religious, who initiated the building of Montreal’s St. Joseph’s Oratory, the world’s largest shrine to Saint Joseph, which draws millions ...

Marriage as an institution was designed by God at the moment of the creation of man. Jesus Christ raised it to the dignity of a sacrament. Marriage is meant to reflect the essence of the Triune God, who is inseparable ...

Here, we begin to publish extracts from the directions given by Jesus and written down by the mystic Alicja Lenczewska in her spiritual diary Testimony. † Most people neither hear me nor notice me. They are busy with ceremony, their ...

Dear Readers of Love One Another! We present to you the latest issue of our magazine. We hope that the articles and testimonies in it will help you prepare for a deep and joyful celebration of the birth of Our ...

The only source of marital love is Jesus Christ, perpetually present in the sacrament of matrimony. We call to mind the words that St. John Paul II directed towards families: “This sacrament (of matrimony) is so great! And spouses can ...

Dear Readers! In June 2022, the editorial board of Love One Another! made the bold decision to defend the charism of our magazine and save it from absolute dissolution. Despite the fact that we had been deprived of all of ...