I am a recovering alcoholic. My sister and I were born into a family of working professionals. Military discipline and rigor were the order of the day at our home. My father was a pilot who demanded total submission to ...
The message of the Gospel remains always in force and is intended for all nations; however, there are regions of the world where the teachings of Christ encounter obstacles and even open hostility. To these regions belong, above all, the Muslim ...
“There is only one misfortune: sin. Everything else is smoke and dust.” These words of St. John Chrysostom of the fourth century AD illustrate the view of the ancient Christians concerning the harm rejection of God wreaks both on human ...
On October 17, 2010, there took place in the Vatican the solemn canonization of Brother André (Alfred Bessette), a Canadian religious, who initiated the building of Montreal’s St. Joseph’s Oratory, the world’s largest shrine to Saint Joseph, which draws millions ...
When I was in teacher’s college, I wanted to write my thesis on the effects of a religious conversion on a student’s academic performance. Even though I had measurable data, my adviser rejected my proposal, since in his view such ...
Jesus assures us that whoever seeks the truth sincerely will find it (cf. Luke 11: 9). In this truth resides the ultimate meaning of human life. The remarkable story of the conversion of Scott Hahn, one of America’s leading contemporary ...
Clayton Fountain committed five brutal premeditated murders. Four of them took place behind the walls of the highest security prison in the US. Advocates of re-socialization threw their hands up in despair. Lawyers demanded the death penalty saying that no one ...
One of the most frequently repeated propaganda techniques used against the Catholic Church through the ages was and is the attempt to morally compromise the Catholic clergy, especially those who choose to live by radical virtues and the counsel of ...
The news coming from Iraq and Syria is alarming. It stirs us to prayer and reflection, but also to action. We received a letter from a Christian Egyptian reader who went to Iraq to help suffering followers of Christ. Unexpectedly, ...
Jesus continually reminds us of the necessity of persevering in prayer: “Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you. For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who ...
The Lebanese scientist Raymond Nader had a mystical experience of the Real Presence of God. It took place on 10 November 1994, in the hermitage of St Sharbel in Annaya. On the evening of 17 April 2015, at the shrine ...
St Sharbel is a great mystery for the world of science, and for all of us an evident sign pointing to the existence of God. 117 years have passed since the death of this Lebanese hermit, but his body is ...
We know that in the heart of every man there is a deep-rooted yearning for love and never-ending happiness. Through this yearning, the loving God calls on us to strive with all our might for perfect happiness or unite with ...
A Christian acknowledges that everything good comes from God. Humility means siding with the truth; it is the realisation that what I have is a gift from God and mine are only sin and misery. The opposite of humility is ...
Marriage as an institution was designed by God at the moment of the creation of man. Jesus Christ raised it to the dignity of a sacrament. Marriage is meant to reflect the essence of the Triune God, who is inseparable ...
Here, we begin to publish extracts from the directions given by Jesus and written down by the mystic Alicja Lenczewska in her spiritual diary Testimony. † Most people neither hear me nor notice me. They are busy with ceremony, their ...
Only a person with a pure heart is capable of love. And a pure heart means abiding in a state of grace; it is a relationship of love with God and other people. A necessary condition for persevering in love ...
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is an objective historical fact that happened in a specific place and time. Any attempts to question it are an ideological speculation, having no foundation in reality. The Resurrection of Jesus concerns each of us ...
When I work with couples, I compare my work to a detective’s investigation. Sometimes one word spoken at the end of the visit is key, sometimes a deep analysis of the patient’s history is necessary. Currently, there is a steady ...
She greeted her patients with a smile. She would touch their bodies without using gloves. And when asked about the most effective medicine, she would answer that it is vitamin L, that is to say, love. This is how Wanda ...