Lord God is one. He revealed himself to us as a perfect unity of three Divine Persons: the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. We also know that the Son of God, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity “for us ...
“No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your strength, but with the temptation will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it” ...
I am writing this piece to hearten those who wish to be parents and are having problems. I experienced this myself and can testify that with God all things are possible. Seek help and place your hope in Him alone. I married in 1986 ...
“In settings where reasonable statistics have been gathered merely 4.2% of embryos created in Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) ever result in a live birth” There is a double or even fourfold increase in perinatal deaths among children conceived in vitro ...
Dear Readers of Love One Another! We present to you this year’s third issue of our magazine. We hope that the articles and testimonies will ignite in your hearts the joy of faith and enthusiasm in proclaiming the Good News ...
It is an irrefutable scientific fact that human life begins at the moment of conception. We need to remember that, statistically, in order to bring one child to life the IVF method must destroy five or six other human beings. I finished my studies ...
“Once Jesus gave me to know that when I pray for intentions which people are wont to entrust to me, He is always ready to grant His graces, but souls do not always want to accept them: ‘My Heart overflows ...
Not content to squeeze the Church and Christianity out of public life, militant secularism is now claiming a position of dominance by persecuting those who refuse to toe the prevailing line of “progress and modernity.” Thus secularism is taking on all the characteristics of ...
“Every sinner, even the most reprobate, can find salvation in the rosary. Every soul, be she ever so encumbered, can break the bonds of the Evil One. There is no one who cannot seize hold of the lifeline that the ...
The human soul, once created by God and conceived in the mother’s womb, will live forever. Every soul is created out of love and for love. God desires to give it life on earth and then throughout all of eternity. Since God ...
On September 18, 2010, the Holy Father Benedict XVI beatified Cardinal J. H. Newman, one of the most famous converts in the history of the Church. Newman was at once an intellectual and spiritual genius and a man of deep and humble faith. His ...
Blessed John Paul II warned that the rejection of moral norms always leads to a disguised form of totalitarianism. His writings continue to remind us that ethical relativism has brought about radical violations of freedom along with a rise in ...
When in 2001 I was accepted as a college student in Kraków, I was one happy man. My dreams of studying in the Royal City had come true. The time flew by so fast. With each passing academic year, I ...
Dear Readers of Love One Another! In the newest issue of Love One Another you will find articles dedicated to the mysteries of our faith as well as wonderful testimonies to God’s handiwork in our lives. We hope you enjoy ...
A person must be sexually active, we here it said. You cannot expect a young man, for example, not to engage in it somehow. One way or another he will find a way. Self-abuse, they say, is a natural part ...
“[Woman] will be saved through motherhood” (1 Tim: 15). We cannot underestimate the significance of conjugal fertility, for the word of God clearly links it with salvation. One of the names that Jewish custom gives to God is “Khafetz Khayim”—Desirer ...
It is not surprising that the Catholic Church should constantly be attacked for her staunch refusal to accept artificial contraception. Contraception is a diabolic invention; yet most Churches have succumbed to the pressures of this world and stopped opposing it ...
Looming somewhere in the background was the question, “why?” but this was quickly replaced by the prayer, “Jesus, I trust in You!” We have been married for almost four years. We have no children here on earth, but we do ...
Bernard Nathanson (b. 1926), a university professor at Cornell and a professed atheist, was one of the world’s leading pro-abortionists. He relentlessly pursued the legalization of accessible and low-cost abortion in the United States. In 1968, Nathanson became a founding ...
Hamilton, Canada, August 6, 1999. Feast of the Transfiguration. For several weeks I had been the guest of my maternal uncle, who had come to Canada in the 1950s. As a child, he had experienced the hell of forced exile ...