A Christian acknowledges that everything good comes from God. Humility means siding with the truth; it is the realisation that what I have is a gift from God and mine are only sin and misery. The opposite of humility is ...

Marriage as an institution was designed by God at the moment of the creation of man. Jesus Christ raised it to the dignity of a sacrament. Marriage is meant to reflect the essence of the Triune God, who is inseparable ...

Here, we begin to publish extracts from the directions given by Jesus and written down by the mystic Alicja Lenczewska in her spiritual diary Testimony. † Most people neither hear me nor notice me. They are busy with ceremony, their ...

Only a person with a pure heart is capable of love. And a pure heart means abiding in a state of grace; it is a relationship of love with God and other people. A necessary condition for persevering in love ...