The Path Towards Love

My Heart has a particular love for you, a love that My Father destined for you alone and for no other from all eternity” – the Lord Jesus assures.

“I Am the Way” (John 14:6)

“All who would reach the Father must pass through Me. For this reason My side was opened by the soldier’s lance. It is the way to My Father. If you would speak to My Father, speak to Me. If you would see My Father, fix your gaze upon My Eucharistic Face. If you would serve My Father, serve Me, especially in the weakest and poorest members of My Mystical Body. Whatsoever you do unto them, you do unto Me, and what is done unto Me becomes an offering pleasing in My Father’s sight” (February 9, 2008) – This is what the Lord Jesus said to a certain monk whose notes were published in a book entitled In Sinu Jesu. These notes add nothing new to the content of the revelation known to the general public, but they shed new light on some forgotten truths. By delving into them, we let them permeate and change our lives. 

“It is enough to begin by seeking Me out in the Sacrament of My love as often as possible. This is how every true friendship begins – by seeking out the presence and the company of the loved one. Then, allow Me to love you in return, to speak to your heart, to touch you by means of the operations of My Holy Spirit in your soul. The way to holiness is the path of My friendship. There are many who complicate the way to holiness and who make it seem forbidding and unattainable to others. It is enough to accept My gift of friendship. It is this that leaves Me free to act upon you, and with you, and through you. Let me love you as a friend. That is enough.” (February 9, 2008)

Step 1. Look for Me!

“Make Me the object of all your desires and you will never be disappointed. Seek Me and you will find Me. Ask for the grace of My presence in the inner sanctuary of your soul, and there hold conversation with Me, for I am in you, and you are in Me. I am your life, and apart from Me, all that this earthly life offers you is bitter and unable to satisfy your heart. I have created you and called you to live in My friendship and to long for Me on earth until that longing is satisfied in heaven. In the meantime, for as long as your earthly exile lasts, you have Me in the Sacrament of My love. There you have My Heart; there you can contemplate My Face; there you can hear My voice; there you can enjoy My friendship and live in My presence. In reality, I was not more present to My Apostles than I am to you at this moment in the Sacrament of My love. Do you believe this?” (January 9, 2010) 

Step 2. Let Me Speak

In In Sinu Jesu the Lord Jesus assures us many times that He speaks to us in various ways. All we have to do is open our hearts and we will be able to hear Him. He assures those who read the Holy Scriptures frequently: “This contact with My word is a real contact with My Heart.” (April 24, 2008) The Lord Jesus also speaks to us through the people He sends to us and through various circumstances. He also speaks in silence when we stand before His Face, hidden in the Blessed Sacrament of His Love: “For this, too, did I institute the Sacrament and Sacrifice of My Body and Blood: so that souls might find Me present in My churches and, by remaining in My presence, learn from Me all that I have heard from My Father. For this reason do I call you friends. You are My friends because, from the tabernacle where I am present, and from the monstrance that exposes Me to your gaze, I will share with you the secrets of My Heart.” (March 30, 2008) God also speaks in our souls: “Let me speak to your heart. Do you think that I have nothing more to say to you? I have much to tell you… My desire is to hold conversation with you, to speak to you … heart to heart as a man coverses with his best friend.” (May 1, 2008; October 17, 2008) 

Step 3. Spend Time with Me!

We are often accustomed to the fact that in order to meet someone, we have to make an appointment with them in advance and book a date that suits both parties. The more important that person is, the more difficulties we have to overcome in order to achieve our goal. Meanwhile, Jesus is available to us whenever we want: “I am here … available to you at any hour of the day or night. I wait for you. I want to listen to the cares and preoccupations that you carry like a heavy burden… For Me nothing is insignificant.” (February 1, 2009) “Consult Me whenever you want and about anything at all. I take a lively interest in all that touches you. You are the apple of My eye.” (July 17, 2008) “I want you to consult Me in all things, even in those that seem most insignificant. I am with you at every moment in every area of your life. My eyes are upon you and My Heart is open, never again to be closed. Listen to Me when you seek My counsel, and I will speak to your heart, to reveal to you in some other way what is best for the glory of My Father and for the salvation of your soul and of the souls of the many whom I give you to influence, to encourage, and to console.” (Junuary 22, 2010)

And whenever we are facing adversities, He himself gives us courage: “There are so many lesser things that pull you away, that eat up your time, and that put stumbling blocks in the path of your coming to be with Me. Learn to recognize these obstacles for what they are. Some of them are of your own doing; others are the work of the Evil One; still others come from the ordinary cares of life in a world that has forgotten how to be still in My presence. Do not let yourself be stopped by any of these things. Learn to come to Me quickly, generously, and gladly. I wait for you in the Sacrament of My love, and you will not be disappointed in coming to Me.” (February 12, 2009)

Step 4. Have Faith!

What allows God to act in our lives without hindrance is our faith in the friendship He offers us; faith in His irrevocable love, which does not depend in any way on our perfection. It is trust that enables us to accept His infinite love. “So many souls make little or no progess in the holiness that I desire for them because they do not trust in My grace. They attempt to change themselves by making use of purely human means, and forget that I am all-powerful, all-merciful, and ready at every moment to heal and sanctify those who entrust themselves, with their weaknesses and sins, to My most loving Heart. I do not ask for perfection from those whom I have chosen to be My friends; I ask only that they give Me their imperfection and the burden of their sins, and allow Me to do for them what, of themselves, they are incapable of doing. Did I not say to My Apostles on the night before I suffered, ‘Without Me, you can do nothing’? Why is this word of Mine so often forgotten? It is a word of immense power for the healing and liberation of souls because, understood rightly, it obliges them to run to Me in every necessity of body, mind, or spirit, and to allow Me to be their Saviour, their Physician, and their God.” (May 7, 2010) 

Step 5. Live the Present Moment!

“It is not by privileges, special graces, or mystical experiences that souls are perfected in love; it is by a total adhesion to My will, and by a real death to all that is not My will… Seek, then, what I will, and trust Me to give you what you seek. Souls who chase after rainbows pass by the treasures that I have laid beneath their feet, leaving them behind to pursue a future that is not, and that will not come to be. This is an exhausting exercise for you and for so many souls like you, who, enchanted by an ideal, fail to see My work, and the splendour of My will for them, revealed in the present. Live, then, in the present moment. Choose to be faithful to Me in the little things that I give you and ask of you from minute to minute, from hour to hour, and from day to day. It is foolish to pin your hopes and to spend your energy on an imaginary good, when the real good that I offer you is here and now. It is not forbidden you to dream dreams or to imagine a future that you think will make you happy – I give you your imagination and I am not offended when you use it. The imagined good becomes an evil, however, when it saps you of your energy; when it drains you of the vitality that I would have you offer Me in sacrifice by being faithful to the reality that is here and now; and when you use your imagination to flee from obedience and submission to Me in the circumstances and in the places where I have placed you at this time. Plan for the future by living in the present. Open your heart to My voice each day, and cling to the smallest manifestations of My will. Renounce all that springs from your own desires and imagining, and say ‘Yes’ to all that springs from My most loving and merciful Heart. Therein lies your peace, your joy, and your salvation.” (February 19, 2011)

Step 6. Cast Away Your Doubts

“This is the underlying problem of so many souls… They allow doubt to take hold. Doubt is the narrow end of the wedge that separates them from Me. I do not refer to a doubt of My teachings or of those of My Church, but to another doubt, one that is more fundamental; the doubt of My personal love for the soul upon whom I have set My Heart. So many begin to think, ‘He cannot possibly love me in this way or take a real interest in me’ – as so they begin to withdraw from My friendship, to flee My presence, and to greet Me only from a distance, as one would a passing acquaitance. You must never let this happen. Know that My Heart is set upon you with an everlasting and most tender love, that I look upon at every moment with all the delicacy of My divine friendship, and with an inexhaustible mercy.” (October 17, 2008) 

Step 7. Don’t Get Discouraged!

“Do not give in to feelings of discouragement. They cause you to focus even more on yourself and on your limitations. Rather, look to Me. Seek My Face and rely on the faithful love for you of My Heart. I chose you… knowing full well your history and your incapacity to persevere in the pursuit of an ideal. None of this matters to Me. What I ask of you is to trust in My merciful love. You will find the wellsping of My merciful love in My Eucharistic Heart. I want you to live a fully Eucharisic life; thus I … make you a sign of My triumphant grace.” (July 24, 2008)

Step 8. Love!

“Only love heals, only love liberates, only love redeems… The redemption is the work of love. I loved in the face of hatred. I loved in the face of death. I loved even in the netherworld, where the just of the ages awaited My coming among them. It is by love that I vanquished hell, by love that I triumphed over death, by love that I undid what Satan, in his envy, had plotted against the creatures whom I so love and whom My Father destined for the praise of His glory. Love is not a feeling; it is an act of the will, a movement of the heart, a glance of hope directed to My Father – for where there is love, there is confidence, and where there is confidence, the victory of love is assured.” (January 10, 2010) “Believe in My love for you, and enter by faith into My pierced side. There you will know the height and depth and breadth of My infinite love, and there, united to Me by Love, that is, by the Holy Spirit, you will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. My Heart is the sanctuary wherein true adorers adore My Father as He desires to be adored by His children.” (January 19, 2010) 

In a Nutshell

Seek constant dialogue with Jesus as you might do with your best friend; take time to be with Him; have unconditional trust; listen to His voice speaking in our heart; seek and fulfill what He desires for us and what He reveals to us moment by moment; give Him everything that is ours – our sins and weaknesses; love Him in every situation … These are just some of the steps that Jesus suggests to us. Maybe we already know them very well. Today, however, we are called to move from knowing to acting, we are invited to “incorporate” His words into our daily lives. If we do, Jesus will fulfill His promise in us: “Those who love me will keep my word, and my Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. Whoever does not love me does not keep my words; and the word that you hear is not mine, but it is from the Father who sent me.” (John 14:23-24)

Prayer of Spiritual Adoration

O Jesus, I want to go in spirit to the tabernacle where Thou art most forsaken and most forgotten in the world. I want to go where no one adores Three, where no one bows before Thee, where Thou hast only Thy Angels to adore Thee and to keep Thee company. And still, it is a human heart that Thou desirest, and above all, the heart of a priest. I give Thee mine in an offering of adoration and reparation. 
