On December 8, 1991, on the eve of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, a Eucharistic miracle occurred at Our Lady’s shrine in Finca Betania, Venezuela. This is yet another clear sign given to us by Christ to strengthen our faith in ...

Nobel Prize laureate Alexis Carrel decided to cast off the straitjacket of atheism when at Lourdes he witnessed the miraculous healing of his patient who was dying of peritoneal tuberculosis. After his conversion, Alexis Carrel understood the truth of the texts of ...

Lord God is one. He revealed himself to us as a perfect unity of three Divine Persons: the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. We also know that the Son of God, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity “for us ...

On September 18, 2010, the Holy Father Benedict XVI beatified Cardinal J. H. Newman, one of the most famous converts in the history of the Church. Newman was at once an intellectual and spiritual genius and a man of deep and humble faith. His ...

Blessed John Paul II warned that the rejection of moral norms always leads to a disguised form of totalitarianism. His writings continue to remind us that ethical relativism has brought about radical violations of freedom along with a rise in ...

Jesus assures us that whoever seeks the truth sincerely will find it (cf. Luke 11: 9). In this truth resides the ultimate meaning of human life. The remarkable story of the conversion of Scott Hahn, one of America’s leading contemporary ...

St Sharbel is a great mystery for the world of science, and for all of us an evident sign pointing to the existence of God. 117 years have passed since the death of this Lebanese hermit, but his body is ...

We know that in the heart of every man there is a deep-rooted yearning for love and never-ending happiness. Through this yearning, the loving God calls on us to strive with all our might for perfect happiness or unite with ...

Only a person with a pure heart is capable of love. And a pure heart means abiding in a state of grace; it is a relationship of love with God and other people. A necessary condition for persevering in love ...

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is an objective historical fact that happened in a specific place and time. Any attempts to question it are an ideological speculation, having no foundation in reality. The Resurrection of Jesus concerns each of us ...

Contemporary atheism has its own intellectual leaders. They fight against the Catholic Church, Christian values, and people who believe in God. One of them is Richard Dawkins. Many atheistic books certainly have contributed to a loss of faith among poorly grounded ...

The French writer Emile Zola, who was an atheist and Masonic Lodge master, as well as the main representative of positivism in literature, experienced a great spiritual shock when he was miraculously healed. Only then did he reconcile with God ...

During the course of our earthly lives the Lord God permits us to have a foretaste of eternal life, so that we may radically vanquish our egoism and mature to eternal life in Heaven.. A Meeting with the Dead St. ...

Is there any evidence that the experiences of people during clinical death are not hallucinations, but the experience of God’s presence and afterlife? Many skeptical physicians, after learning the facts about the experiences of people who went through clinical death ...